Los Angeles motorcycle accidents happen far too often than they should. In a city where traffic is a huge factor, there are many acts of negligence that arise and can cause a motorcyclist to suffer significant harm. In these situations, it’s vital for you to work with a motorcycle accident lawyer in Los Angeles to determine what options you have to hold the responsible party accountable and pursue the compensation you deserve.
At Pirnia Law Group, our motorcycle accident lawyer in Los Angeles focus on your best interests. Our bike accident lawyer in Los Angeles take the time to understand your situation and learn about the factors of your case. Our bike accident lawyer in Los Angeles work with top-of-the-line resources to show that you’re the victim of negligence and to prove liability. It can be complicated for you to get through this situation without being sure of what will happen every step of the way. With our team on your side, you’re aware of every situation that can arise and you can prepare accordingly.

Why Work with a Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer
Insurance companies often make promises in their marketing to be there for you when you need them most. In motorcycle accidents, you’re going through California’s traditional fault system, so you can hold the negligent party responsible for the injuries they cause. Because of this, the insurance company responsible for paying out compensation does not have an obligation to you. They’re more likely to deny your claim to protect their own money. You need someone to help protect your rights instead of focusing on profit.
Working with a lawyer helps you understand the process. You’ll start by filing a claim with your insurance company who will work with the other person’s insurance provider to go through the process. From there, the lawyer will help you deal with a potential denial, including the possibility of filing a lawsuit. However, it’s important to know that the insurance company may try different tactics to deny your claim. When you have a lawyer on your side, you’re leveling the playing field and giving you the option of truly avoiding the tactics of the insurance company.

How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You After an Accident
When you hire a motorcycle attorney, you are getting access to various resources that you may not have otherwise. A legal advocate can help you obtain some of the very important things that you need through the process. This can include an accident reconstructionist, medical records, expert testimony, accident reports, and more. The more you have in your corner, the more likely it is to pursue the outcome you need moving forward.
A lawyer can also help you to file the necessary paperwork in a timeline that coincides with the statute of limitations. You only have two years to file a lawsuit for the monetary damages you experience due to your physical injuries. A lawyer helps you to get everything together quickly and file your case with a focus on your best interests.

Leading Reasons for a Motorcycle Accident
We know that motorcycle accidents are some of the most severe, and it’s vital for those who suffer injuries to understand how they happen. Recognizing some of the common causes of motorcycle accidents can give you a better idea of what legal options you may have and who is liable. Of course, as a motorcyclist, you can suffer harm from motorists or other motorcyclists. Having a local accident attorney can guide you through the process to recognize how to hold someone accountable for any of these actions.
Inexperienced Riders:
In some crashes that involve more than one motorcycle, it’s important to know that inexperience can play a significant factor in causing a crash. An inexperienced rider is more prone to make mistakes. If you’re involved in an inexperienced motorcycle rider accident, it can be very dangerous. Inexperienced riders may also be involved in open car door motorcycle accidents.
Speeding is commonplace on the roads amongst four-wheel vehicles and motorcyclists. However, it can be easy to get into a crash when one individual ignores the posted speed limit. Speed often plays a significant role in causing left-turn motorcycle accidents. Like any action that’s against the law, speeding is considered negligence.
Alcohol & Drugs:
Driving while intoxicated on drugs or alcohol doesn’t just lead to a DUI; it can be dangerous for all individuals on the road, particularly if someone hits you while you’re on a motorbike. Drinking and driving can cause someone to have limited abilities and focus, which means there is a significantly increased risk of dangers.
When a driver is talking on a cell phone, texting, or otherwise distracted, it can be very dangerous. Distractions can remove a driver’s focus from the road. In many situations, a distraction for just five seconds is enough to cause significant harm. A driver may fail to yield, crashing into you, and causing you severe harm. In these situations, an accident lawyer may be able to help you show that the driver was distracted.
If you’re a motorcyclist, you hope that the vehicle behind you is staying far enough back to give you the option to brake as needed. If a driver is driving too close to you, it’s easy to cause you to suffer a crash or there may be motorcycle passenger injuries. In any case, tailgating is a dangerous act and puts numerous people in harm’s way.
Lane Splitting:
When you want to change lanes or avoid traffic, it’s important for you to properly signal as there are some individuals who may not recognize what movements you’re going to take, especially if you’re going to be lane splitting. Lane splitting is an act in which a motorcyclist drives between lanes to avoid traffic. Unfortunately, not everyone looks for motorcyclists, and lane splitting can be dangerous.
Poor Weather and Road Conditions:
Unfortunately, bad weather motorcycle accidents can happen when Los Angeles becomes rainy. Common motorcycle road hazards can include slippery floors, potholes covered by puddles of water, and other issues. When visibility is low, it can create numerous problems on the road.
While there are some causes that are more based on nature, there are many that are the result of negligence. It’s important for you to understand your rights moving forward. In some situations, motorcycle defects can also lead to a severe accident. In these cases, a manufacturer may be held accountable for the damage.

Common Injuries Resulting from a Motorcycle Accident
Motorcyclists lack some of the essential protections that many motorists have, often leading to some of the most devastating injuries possible. In these types of accidents, motorcyclists don’t have a metal frame or seat belts to protect them from serious harm. Any crash can cause the motorcyclist to eject from his or her motorcycle, and even leather clothing or a helmet can do much to prevent devastating injuries. A motorcycle crash lawyer may be able to help you pursue the compensation you need after one of these injuries:
Fatal Injuries:
Because motorcyclists lack some of the basic protections, any motorcycle accident can lead to fatal injuries. When you consider the speed often involved in these accidents, it is particularly dangerous for the rider without proper equipment. If a motorcycle accident leads to a fatal injury, the family of the deceased can pursue compensation for the damages associated with the fatal injuries.
Catastrophic Injuries:
Catastrophic injuries are those that often result in lifelong disabilities. In motorcycle accidents, catastrophic injuries can include traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries (such as paralysis), and burn injuries. Personal injury law considers catastrophic injuries all those in which the damages are permanent and require significant care over the course of their lifetime.
Broken Bones:
Broken bones can also be catastrophic if the fracture is severe enough that it causes lifelong harm. This is often determined by the number of broken bones and just how severe the incident is. In any case, a broken bone can take months to heal properly, forcing you out of work and to require medical procedures such as surgery. You may also need physical therapy and pain medication to help deal with your injury.
Road Rash:
Many motorcycle riders suffer road rash by failing to wear or have improper use of protective gear because there is friction caused between your skin and the road. In a crash such as a high or low side accident, you can find yourself sliding on the concrete. This creates a friction burn commonly referred to as road rash.
The injuries often sustained in a motorcycle accident can require you to endure physical, emotional, and financial struggles for which you are not prepared. Working with lawyers for bikers can help you throughout the process. Whether you’re looking to hire motorcycle lawyers in California or you need someone to help you understand your rights, we’re here for you. It’s never easy to endure a situation like this, but we’ll explain why getting a lawyer can help ease the complexities a bit.

Should I Get a Lawyer for a Motorcycle Accident?
You may feel as though you can handle the legal matters of a motorcycle accident on your own, but there are several issues that can arise should you attempt to go through this without a motorcycle wreck lawyer. You may be dealing with pain and suffering, but the insurance company is looking out for their own profits before they want to help you with a fair settlement offer. As such, working with a motorcycle accident law firm can help you level the playing field against those companies who are quick to take advantage of your rights during a vulnerable time.
In a motorcycle accident, you may be able to hold the responsible party accountable for the harm they cause. For instance, like many other personal injury law matters, you can pursue economic and non-economic compensation for your losses that include the following:
- Economic damages are available in a situation where you can prove the amount of monetary losses you have incurred as a result of your injuries. For instance, you can file for economic damages related to medical bills, prescription medication costs, property damage, rehabilitation, and lost income. These losses have a monetary value attached to them and you have direct proof of the money you spent or lost as a result.
- Non-economic damages are different in the fact that they don’t have a direct value. It’s dependent on numerous factors, including the diminished quality of life you experience after an accident. Your emotional trauma may also play a role and a motorcycle injury attorney can work to show that you’ve experienced distress as a result.
In some cases, you may have an option to pursue punitive damages. These are rare, but if your motorcycle personal injury lawyer can show that the responsible party was malicious in his or her intent to cause you harm (such as an incident involving road rage), you may be able to receive this type of compensation. Punitive damages are different in that they are to punish the wrongdoer for his or her actions and deter others from acting in a similar manner.
How Long Do I Have to File a Claim?
Whenever you find yourself involved in a motorcycle accident, the statute of limitations rely similarly on those of personal injury law. Like in any personal injury case, you have two years after the date of the accident to file your case in California. However, it’s highly advisable to ensure you’re taking steps early to protect yourself as much as possible. The sooner you begin your claim, the more you and your legal team can put together to show that you were involved in a negligence-related crash and that the injuries you suffered were a result of that negligence.
How Likely Are You to Die On a Motorcycle?
Because motorcycles don’t have the same protections that other vehicles have, accidents involving these two-wheel vehicles can be catastrophic. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that you are 37 times more likely to suffer fatal injuries in a motorcycle accident than you are in a vehicle accident. These are serious numbers detailing just how devastating a motorcycle accident can be for you, so it’s important to stay as safe as possible.
What Percentage of Motorcycle Riders Get Into an Accident?
In 2017, there were a total of 8,715,204 registered motorcycles. The same year, there were 89,000 injuries resulting from motorcycle crashes. Percentage wise, you can see that it doesn’t appear as much, but there are countless situations that arise that can lead to a severe collision. In 2016, there were 104,000 injuries to 8.6 million registered motorcycles, so the percentages vary.
How Many Motorcycle Deaths Occur In the U.S. Each Year?
The total number of fatal crashes involving motorcyclists vary each year, but since the early 2000s, the numbers have increased a bit. In 2000, the number of fatal accidents was 2,897 throughout the United States. The following year saw a 300 death increase. The numbers continued to climb year over year with the number breaking 4,000 by 2004. In 2007, 2008, and 2016, the numbers crossed the 5,000 mark, and 2015 and 2017 were both close to reaching that. Regardless of how many exact motorcycle accidents are fatal, the increase in numbers continues to show potential problems on the road that must be addressed.
In a fatal motorcycle accident, the family may be able to file a claim for a wrongful death should the crash arise because of someone’s negligent actions.
What is the Potential Liability of the Motorcycle Driver?
While there are a large amount of motorcycle accidents resulting from negligence on the part of the motorist, some crashes do involve motorcycle riders being reckless. For instance, there are lane splitting motorcycle accidents, accidents that arise when weaving in and out of traffic, potential cold motorcycle tire accidents, and more. If a motorcyclist is shown to be negligent, even partially, it goes to California’s comparative fault laws. While you may still be able to recover compensation, if you are more than 50% at fault for the motorcycle accident as the motorcyclist, your recovery is significantly reduced.
What is a Lowside Motorcycle Crash?
A lowside motorcycle crash is often the result of sharp cornering and you may end up sliding on the same side of the motorcycle you were cornering. Typically, if there is too much speed used during or coming out of the corner, it can cause either the front or rear wheel to slip, resulting in you losing grip. Surface changes and dangerous road conditions can also be common causes for these accidents.
What to Do In a Motorcycle Crash?
If you’re involved in a motorcycle accident, the first thing you should do is assess your situation, your health, and your well-being. These accidents can be some of the most catastrophic, and you may find it difficult to do anything except get medical care after you crash. If you’re able to, you want to exchange information with the other person involved to get insurance details and contact information. You also want to report the accident as soon as you can to local law enforcement and your insurance company. Provide all information pertaining to the motorcycle accident, including the other person’s contact and insurance information.
Also, if there are any witnesses to the crash who can help backup your claim, get their contact information to provide to your insurance company. Witnesses can provide valuable testimony to your case. Take photos of any and all damage to the vehicles involved and your motorcycle, as well as your visible injuries. Get medical treatment as soon as you can so you can start your recovery and have valuable medical records to include in your claim. Then, speak with a lawyer who can help safeguard your rights throughout the entire process of filing a claim or potential lawsuit.
Who Is Liable for Your Motorcycle Accident?
Similar to any motor vehicle accident, you need to take steps immediately following the crash to show that someone was negligent for the harm you suffered. Liability is proven by numerous factors including showing that someone owed you a duty of care (this is assumed when someone earns a driver’s license), there was a breach in that duty of care, the breach caused the accident, and the accident resulted in injuries. Negligent parties can include drivers of four wheel vehicles, other motorcyclists, and truckers. In any case, it’s important to recognize the ways to show negligence to help protect your rights.
What is the Average Motorcycle Accident Settlement in California?
There is no set average regarding a settlement amount for motorcycle accidents in California. Every case presents a unique set of circumstances, many of which play a factor in the amount you are able to recover. For instance, a court or insurance company may look at the severity of your injuries. The more severe the injury, the more impact it can have on your life, and the more money you may be able to recover. You may still be able to work after a motorcycle accident, making your compensation less than if you were permanently disabled and forced out of work for the rest of your life.
Which Age Group is Most at Risk of Being Fatally Injured While Riding a Motorcycle?
There are many stigmas regarding motorcyclists and the accidents in which they’re involved. One of those stigmas is that motorcyclists involved in crashes are young and reckless. However, the NHTSA estimates that in 2015, roughly 54% of fatal motorcycle crashes that occurred involved motorcyclists who were over the age of 40. This represented a 17% increase from 2006, showing that older motorcyclists are also at potential risk of harm.
Where Do Most Motorcycle Accidents Happen?
Roughly 56% of all motorcycle accidents occur on urban roadways and the majority of them happen at intersections. Unfortunately, the smaller vehicle often makes it more difficult for motorists to see motorcyclists. When you factor in negligence, it can make for a very difficult situation. In intersections, the most common types of motorcycle accidents occur because of left turns. Either the motorist turning doesn’t see the approaching motorcyclist, or the motorcyclist turning is sideswiped by a motorist. These are two of the most common types of motorcycle accidents that occur.
What is a Highside Motorcycle Crash?
A highside motorcycle crash occurs when you lose grip in your rear wheel and then suddenly regain it, causing you to thrash around violently. These types of crashes often occur when the wheel locks up because the engine stops or you end up with a loose or broken chain. In most situations, these accidents occur when the rider overcorrects after experiencing a rear-wheel slide. The rear of the motorcycle often whips uncontrollably and it can quickly eject the rider from the motorcycle.
How Long Does a Motorcycle Lawsuit Take?
A motorcycle accident lawsuit differs in terms of timelines. There are some situations in which you may show sufficient evidence and the insurance company can provide you an adequate settlement to cover your losses. However, there are also situations when insurance companies are looking out for their own profit and prolong the situation. The insurance companies take advantage of a vulnerable situation, knowing that you need money during this time. As such, they may delay the case and your payment in hopes of you settling for less. If the case goes to court, it can take even longer to reach completion.
Our team at Pirnia Law Group genuinely cares about helping you through the complex and strenuous process that may arise after a motorcycle accident. You’re dealing with the potential loss of income, your physical pain, your emotional trauma, and more. The last thing you should have to worry about is the actions of the insurance company as they do anything to protect profits over your well-being. With our team on your side, you can have confidence in the matters that lie ahead and feel confident that we are doing all we can to safeguard your rights.
When you work with our Los Angeles personal injury lawyers, you can be sure we’re going to provide you with individualized attention. We’ll build a case strategy off your goals and needs, then go through every step necessary to get you through this challenging time. At the end of the day, we stay ready for trial and work hard to ensure your case is prepared properly. You shouldn’t have to suffer because of someone else’s actions. Rely on us to take the steps to try and pursue the compensation and justice you need and deserve.
Are you ready to speak with a lawyer about your case? We offer free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis, so you don’t pay unless we’re able to win on your behalf. Call us today to schedule your case evaluation and learn how we can help you.